  • 02.06.2023


Cryptocurrency: World gold of the 21st century or an aimless waste of time?

Nowadays, when digital technologies penetrate into all spheres of our life, cryptocurrency has become one of the hottest topics for discussion. Some consider it the new gold of the 21st century, promising untold wealth and financial freedom, while others look at it as a waste of time, devoid of real value. Lets figure out what a cryptocurrency really is and what benefits it can bring.

Unlike traditional currencies, cryptocurrency does not exist in physical form, it exists only in the digital space. It is based on the principles of cryptography, which makes it reliable and secure for storage and transmission. The cryptocurrency does not have a central authority for issuing and controlling, instead it operates through a decentralized system where transactions are recorded and confirmed by a network of participants. This ensures transparency and fraud protection.

Interestingly, the term "cryptocurrency" became widespread after the publication of an article about the Bitcoin system in Forbes magazine in 2011. At that time, the creator of bitcoin himself used the term "electronic money". Since then, the cryptocurrency has attracted the attention of many investors and has become the object of research and speculation.

Cryptocurrency and the traditional banking system

One of the main differences between cryptocurrencies and the traditional banking system is its decentralization. Unlike banks, which are subject to the rules and regulations of states and central banks, cryptocurrency functions independently of external control. This means that no state or organization can interfere with transactions and control them. This independence and freedom from centralized control make cryptocurrency attractive to many people.

In addition, cryptocurrency offers new opportunities for financial freedom and global accessibility. There are many restrictions in the traditional banking system, especially regarding transfers between different countries. Cryptocurrency allows you to make fast and inexpensive transactions anywhere in the world without having to go through intermediaries and additional fees.

However, despite all its advantages, cryptocurrency also has its risks and limitations. The volatility of prices on cryptocurrency markets can be very high, which means that investing in cryptocurrency carries certain financial risks. Moreover, due to the lack of government regulation, the cryptocurrency is subject to possible fraud and cyber attacks.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether cryptocurrency is the new gold of the 21st century or a waste of time depends on your point of view and goals. Cryptocurrency is an innovative financial instrument with the potential for financial freedom and global accessibility. However, it also involves certain risks and should not be considered as a source of easy profit. Before investing in cryptocurrency, it is important to conduct your own research and understand your financial capabilities and risks.

Where does cryptocurrency come from: Lets look into the depths of the blockchain

We have already figured out what a cryptocurrency is and what advantages it offers. Now its time to find out where the cryptocurrency itself comes from and how it gets its value.

As mentioned earlier, cryptocurrency is created and maintained using blockchain technology. Blockchain is a distributed data system in which each transaction is recorded in a block and synchronously copied to thousands of computers, forming a chain of blocks. This creates a decentralized and reliable system in which information cannot be forged or changed without the consent of the majority of network participants.

Now lets figure out how the creation of new cryptocurrency units takes place. This process is called mining. Mining is a computational process in which users solve complex mathematical problems using their specialized equipment. When the task is successfully solved, the block is added to the blockchain, and miners receive a reward in the form of new units of cryptocurrency.
Thus, mining not only ensures the operability and security of the blockchain network, but also controls the issue of new coins. This is an important aspect, since most cryptocurrencies have a limited number of coins that can be created. For example, bitcoin has a limit of 21 million coins. When all these coins are mined, the miners will be rewarded only for processing transactions.

Mining can be both individual, when one user independently mines cryptocurrency, and collective, when a group of miners combines their resources to solve problems. In collective mining, remuneration is distributed among participants depending on their contribution to computing power.

It is important to note that the mining process can be energy-intensive and require significant computing resources. In this regard, more environmentally friendly alternatives have recently appeared, such as Proof-of-Stake (PoS), which do not require such a large energy consumption.
Thus, the cryptocurrency gets its existence and value thanks to blockchain technology and the mining process. They create a reliable and decentralized environment where cryptocurrency can exist independently of central control and offer new opportunities in the financial sphere.

Trading and Storing Cryptocurrencies: Everything You Need to Know
We have already talked about how a cryptocurrency is created and receives value. But how can users purchase digital tokens and where to store them safely? In this part of the article, we will look at the main aspects of cryptocurrency trading and methods of its storage.

There are many cryptocurrency exchanges where users can purchase various digital tokens and trade them in pairs. For example, you can exchange Bitcoin for Ethereum or Cardano for Litecoin. Exchanges offer a wide range of cryptocurrency assets and provide convenience and liquidity in conducting operations. However, despite the convenience, storing cryptocurrencies on the exchange is considered risky. Attackers, having gained access to your personal data, can hack your account on the exchange and withdraw all your funds. Therefore, it is recommended to use specialized cryptocurrency wallets.

Cryptocurrency wallets can be physical devices or online programs designed to securely store private keys to cryptocurrencies. Some exchanges provide wallet services, allowing users to store their funds directly on the platform. However, not all exchanges and brokers automatically provide such services.

There are two main types of cryptocurrency wallets: hot and cold.
Hot wallets are software storage tools that are used to protect private keys online. They provide convenient access to your cryptocurrency assets, but have an increased risk of hacking or cyber attacks.

Cold wallets, also known as hardware wallets, differ from hot wallets in that they use autonomous electronic devices to securely store private keys. These wallets provide a higher level of security, since private keys are stored off the Internet, which reduces the risk of hacking and theft of funds.

The choice between a hot and cold wallet depends on your needs and preferences. If you are actively trading and exchanging cryptocurrency, then a hot wallet may be a more convenient option. However, if security is important to you and you store significant amounts of cryptocurrency in the long term, a cold wallet will be a more preferable solution.

Regardless of the chosen wallet type, it is important to follow basic security measures. Be sure to reserve your private keys and use strong passwords. It is also worth paying attention to software updates and avoiding suspicious links and files to prevent possible viruses and fraud.

Cryptocurrency: Disadvantages and challenges to cope with
After we have figured out the basic concepts and principles of cryptocurrency, its time to pay attention to some of its shortcomings and challenges. Each market participant has its own strategy and goals, and understanding these shortcomings will help us make informed decisions. In this article, we will look at some of the common aspects related to the disadvantages of digital assets.

High volatility:
The cryptocurrency exchange rate can fluctuate greatly, which can lead to large profits or losses. This depends on changes in the price after the purchase of assets and on the owners strategy, including the decision to use the cryptocurrency immediately or keep it in the hope of an increase in value in the future.

Password Security:
Loss of password or theft of credentials can pose a serious security risk. If you lose your password or cannot recover it due to problems accessing your email or changing your SIM card, you may lose access to your funds. Theft of credentials can also lead to the loss of all funds in your cryptocurrency wallet.

Lack of regulation:
The cryptocurrency operates in a decentralized environment, which means that there is no official regulation by government agencies. This can create additional risks, such as the possibility of fraud, theft and hacker attacks. It is important to be careful and use reliable platforms and wallets to store cryptocurrency assets.

Technical problems:
Technical problems, network failures and security issues can lead to loss of access to cryptocurrency assets or even their complete loss. Taking security measures, such as using two-factor authentication and regularly updating software, can help you minimize risks.

Restrictive legislation:
With the increasing popularity and use of cryptocurrencies, states may amend legislation to regulate or restrict their use. This may affect the terms of use and storage of cryptocurrency assets, as well as tax and legal aspects. Market participants need to be prepared for such changes and follow the updates in the legislation.

Despite these shortcomings and challenges, cryptocurrency continues to attract more and more attention and become an important financial instrument. When making a decision about investing in cryptocurrency, it is important to assess your goals and risks, as well as take the necessary security measures. Awareness and responsible use will help you become a successful participant in the cryptocurrency market.

If you are interested in learning more information about cryptocurrency, want to understand its subtleties and start earning, we invite you to join our community — Easytrading! Here you will find unique opportunities for learning and successful cryptocurrency trading.


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